
    Order Reconciliation

    Kashier reconciliation is the process of verifying that the electronic payment and refund transactions processed in your system match the transactions reported by the Kashier.

    Retrieve Order Details

    Kashier enables you to retrieve details of your Orders.



    merchantOrderIdPath ParameterUnique Order IdentifierTrue


    AuthorizationThe Authorization is secretkey that is used to identify the merchant , you can obtain from kashier's dashboard, learn more about Authorization.

    Click here to shrink
    1curl -X 'GET' ''
    2-H 'Authorization: your_secretKey'
    3-H "accept: application/json"

    Response structure

    Click here to expandClick here to shrink
    2 "response": {
    3 "_id": "6113a5242bd6930018c881ae",
    4 "merchantId": "MID-3552-454",
    5 "orderId": "10a9fa55-4286-488b-8419-18a87e835ecd",
    6 "merchantOrderId": "6c3e0871-0a7b-45ec-af33-2fc8221ee188",
    7 "totalRefundedAmount": 0,
    8 "totalCapturedAmount": 99,
    9 "totalAuthorizedAmount": "99.00",
    10 "method": "card",
    11 "sourceOfFunds": {
    12 "cardInfo": {
    13 "maskedCard": "511111******1118",
    14 "cardBrand": "Mastercard",
    15 "cardHash": "b506253054c1bd027e272d6f9bf78cdb5087d4c7e56f5c2be7a45361ea274b1c",
    16 "expiryYear": "06",
    17 "expiryMonth": "22",
    18 "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
    19 "ccvToken": "d583518a-f324-4dba-8301-cc976951c0da",
    20 "cardDataToken": "b14160c8-8152-4cb0-b68a-7d100f87a58e"
    21 },
    22 "3DSecure": {
    23 "processACSRedirectURL": ""
    24 }
    25 },
    26 "paymentType": "ext-default-hostedpaymentpage-test",
    27 "apiKeyId": "5feccc49043fa4001f59965c",
    28 "apiKeyName": "default-hostedpaymentpage-test",
    29 "paymentOrigin": "kashier-iframe-test",
    30 "paymentChannel": "online | e-commerce",
    31 "paymentAgreement": "",
    32 "metaData": {
    33 "Customer Name ": "m k",
    34 "Customer E-mail": "",
    35 "Customer Phone": "01000000000",
    36 "wixTransactionId": "bb64932d-1933-4d1e-ae39-7574ea3fd61f",
    37 "wixMerchantId": "c81c8e41-7a25-455f-a199-0a2ebe945c73",
    38 "cancelUrl": "",
    39 "errorUrl": "",
    40 "successUrl": "",
    41 "time": "2021-08-11T10:23:31.547Z"
    42 },
    43 "transactions": [
    44 {
    45 "requestCredentials": {},
    46 "feeTrxAmount": 0,
    47 "request": {
    48 "payload": {
    49 "apiOperation": "CHECK_3DS_ENROLLMENT",
    50 "order": {
    51 "amount": "99.00",
    52 "currency": "EGP"
    53 },
    54 "sourceOfFunds": {
    55 "provided": {
    56 "card": {
    57 "cardDataToken": "b14160c8-8152-4cb0-b68a-7d100f87a58e"
    58 }
    59 }
    60 },
    61 "3DSecure": {
    62 "authenticationRedirect": {
    63 "responseUrl": "",
    64 "pageGenerationMode": "CUSTOMIZED"
    65 }
    66 },
    67 "provider": {
    68 "type": "mpgs"
    69 }
    70 },
    71 "method": "PUT",
    72 "url": "",
    73 "auth": {}
    74 },
    75 "currency": "EGP",
    76 "amount": 99,
    77 "status": "SUCCESS",
    78 "transactionId": "TX-35524541714",
    79 "operation": "3dsecure_verify",
    80 "_id": "6113a5242bd6930018c881af",
    81 "isPF": true,
    82 "feeDetails": {
    83 "processing": 0,
    84 "transaction": 0
    85 },
    86 "requestDate": "2021-08-11T10:23:32.233Z",
    87 "responseDate": "2021-08-11T10:23:32.669Z",
    88 "response": {
    89 "payload": {
    90 "sourceOfFunds": {
    91 "provided": {
    92 "card": {
    93 "brand": "Mastercard",
    94 "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
    95 "expiry": {
    96 "year": "22",
    97 "month": "06"
    98 },
    99 "number": "511111******1118"
    100 }
    101 }
    102 },
    103 "response": {
    104 "3DSecure": {
    105 "gatewayCode": "NOT_ENROLLED_NO_ERROR_DETAILS"
    106 }
    107 },
    108 "merchant": "TESTELEMENTS",
    109 "3DSecureId": "3DSecureId-8357f0b8-04af-4d59-9b96-252ca06a3a0c",
    110 "3DSecure": {
    111 "xid": "rYcMadtijLKOy++b5e//KM7Bc5M=",
    112 "summaryStatus": "CARD_NOT_ENROLLED"
    113 }
    114 },
    115 "merchantIdentifier": "TESTELEMENTS",
    116 "operation": "3dsecure_verify",
    117 "3DSecureSummary": "CARD_NOT_ENROLLED",
    118 "3DSecureTransactionId": "rYcMadtijLKOy++b5e//KM7Bc5M=",
    119 "3DSecureId": "3DSecureId-8357f0b8-04af-4d59-9b96-252ca06a3a0c",
    120 "transactionResponseMessage": {
    121 "ar": "عملية مرفوضة",
    122 "en": "Declined"
    123 },
    124 "transactionResponseCode": "98",
    125 "status": "SUCCESS",
    126 "is3DSecureVerificationRequired": false
    127 },
    128 "transactionResponseMessage": {
    129 "ar": "عملية مرفوضة",
    130 "en": "Declined"
    131 },
    132 "transactionResponseCode": "98"
    133 },
    134 {
    135 "requestCredentials": {},
    136 "feeTrxAmount": 0,
    137 "request": {
    138 "payload": {
    139 "apiOperation": "PAY",
    140 "order": {
    141 "amount": "99.00",
    142 "currency": "EGP"
    143 },
    144 "sourceOfFunds": {
    145 "type": "CARD",
    146 "provided": {
    147 "card": {
    148 "expiry": {
    149 "month": "",
    150 "year": ""
    151 },
    152 "nameOnCard": "John Doe",
    153 "number": "",
    154 "securityCode": "",
    155 "cardDataToken": "b14160c8-8152-4cb0-b68a-7d100f87a58e",
    156 "ccvToken": "d583518a-f324-4dba-8301-cc976951c0da"
    157 }
    158 }
    159 },
    160 "correlationId": "8357f0b8-04af-4d59-9b96-252ca06a3a0c",
    161 "provider": {
    162 "type": "mpgs"
    163 },
    164 "3DSecureId": "3DSecureId-8357f0b8-04af-4d59-9b96-252ca06a3a0c",
    165 "cardToken": null,
    166 "ccvToken": null,
    167 "isToken": null,
    168 "shopper_reference": null,
    169 "paymentOperationType": null,
    170 "saveCard": null
    171 },
    172 "method": "PUT",
    173 "url": "",
    174 "auth": {
    175 "username": "Merchant.TestElements",
    176 "password": "e724fbc131a47c004f246df10848f2dc"
    177 }
    178 },
    179 "currency": "EGP",
    180 "amount": 99,
    181 "status": "SUCCESS",
    182 "transactionId": "TX-35524541715",
    183 "operation": "pay",
    184 "_id": "6113a5242bd6930018c881b0",
    185 "isPF": true,
    186 "requestDate": "2021-08-11T10:23:32.751Z",
    187 "responseDate": "2021-08-11T10:23:33.198Z",
    188 "response": {
    189 "payload": {
    190 "version": "44",
    191 "transaction": {
    192 "type": "PAYMENT",
    193 "terminal": "QNBAA003",
    194 "source": "INTERNET",
    195 "receipt": "122310033582",
    196 "id": "TX-35524541715",
    197 "frequency": "SINGLE",
    198 "currency": "EGP",
    199 "authorizationCode": "033582",
    200 "amount": 99,
    201 "acquirer": {
    202 "transactionId": "123456789",
    203 "timeZone": "+0200",
    204 "settlementDate": "2021-08-11",
    205 "merchantId": "1478963",
    206 "id": "QNBAA_S2I",
    207 "date": "0811",
    208 "batch": 20210811
    209 }
    210 },
    211 "timeOfRecord": "2021-08-11T10:23:33.036Z",
    212 "sourceOfFunds": {
    213 "provided": {
    214 "card": {
    215 "brand": "Mastercard",
    216 "cardHolderName": "John Doe",
    217 "securityCode": "100",
    218 "number": "511111******1118",
    219 "nameOnCard": "John Doe",
    220 "expiry": {
    221 "year": "22",
    222 "month": "06"
    223 }
    224 }
    225 },
    226 "type": "CARD"
    227 },
    228 "result": "SUCCESS",
    229 "response": {
    230 "gatewayCode": "APPROVED",
    231 "cardSecurityCode": {
    232 "gatewayCode": "MATCH",
    233 "acquirerCode": "M"
    234 },
    235 "acquirerMessage": "Approved",
    236 "acquirerCode": "00"
    237 },
    238 "order": {
    239 "totalRefundedAmount": 0,
    240 "totalCapturedAmount": 99,
    241 "totalAuthorizedAmount": 99,
    242 "status": "CAPTURED",
    243 "id": "10a9fa55-4286-488b-8419-18a87e835ecd",
    244 "currency": "EGP",
    245 "creationTime": "2021-08-11T10:23:33.015Z",
    246 "amount": 99
    247 },
    248 "merchant": "TESTELEMENTS",
    249 "gatewayEntryPoint": "WEB_SERVICES_API",
    250 "correlationId": "8357f0b8-04af-4d59-9b96-252ca06a3a0c",
    251 "authorizationResponse": {
    252 "transactionIdentifier": "123456789",
    253 "stan": "33582",
    254 "responseCode": "00",
    255 "processingCode": "003000",
    256 "posEntryMode": "812",
    257 "posData": "1025100006600",
    258 "financialNetworkCode": "777",
    259 "commercialCardIndicator": "3",
    260 "commercialCard": "888",
    261 "cardSecurityCodeError": "M"
    262 },
    263 "3DSecureId": "3DSecureId-8357f0b8-04af-4d59-9b96-252ca06a3a0c",
    264 "3DSecure": {
    265 "xid": "rYcMadtijLKOy++b5e//KM7Bc5M=",
    266 "enrollmentStatus": "NOT_ENROLLED"
    267 }
    268 },
    269 "merchantIdentifier": "TESTELEMENTS",
    270 "operation": "pay",
    271 "currency": "EGP",
    272 "amount": 99,
    273 "issuerAuthorizationCode": "033582",
    274 "settlementDate": "2021-08-11",
    275 "transactionDate": "2021-08-11T10:23:33.036Z",
    276 "transactionId": "TX-35524541715",
    277 "gatewayMessage": "Payment accepted",
    278 "transactionResponseMessage": {
    279 "ar": "تمت الموافقة",
    280 "en": "Approved"
    281 },
    282 "transactionResponseCode": "00",
    283 "gatewayCode": "APPROVED",
    284 "status": "SUCCESS"
    285 },
    286 "transactionResponseMessage": {
    287 "ar": "تمت الموافقة",
    288 "en": "Approved"
    289 },
    290 "transactionResponseCode": "00"
    291 }
    292 ],
    293 "provider": "mpgs",
    294 "status": "CAPTURED",
    295 "lastModifiedDate": "2021-08-11T10:23:32.749Z",
    296 "date": "2021-08-11T10:23:32.226Z",
    297 "order": {
    298 "amount": "99.00",
    299 "currency": "EGP",
    300 "callbackURL": ""
    301 },
    302 "merchantDetails": {
    303 "storeName": "TEST ft- MK Company",
    304 "merchantId": "MID-3552-454",
    305 "businessIndustry": "food_ordering",
    306 "MCC": "3333"
    307 },
    308 "__v": 0
    309 },
    310 "messages": {
    311 "en": "The payment transaction has been retreived successfully",
    312 "ar": "تم استرداد عملية الدفع بنجاح"
    313 },
    314 "status": "SUCCESS"
    You can varify the reason of failure transaction by checking transactionResponseCode key in transaction object that has operation key equals to pay. Learn more about Payment Reason Code
    Payment — Previous
    Next — Payment
    Payment Reason Code